Check ISSB Call Letter Status 2024 Online Army, PAF, Navy
Find Online ISSB Check the status of your call letter 2024 for the Pakistan Army, Navy, and PAF here. The letters you receive are issued at least 20 days before the test date, right after the changed website. Issb, the status of your call letters is available here in a matter of minutes. In the first place, you must confirm whether the Inter-Service Selection Board(ISSB) has issued the call letter online or not. For this, go to the Pak Army website Regularly. If you’ve participated in this PMA long-course, We are certain that you’re waiting for the inter-services selection board ISSB call letter status. Here’s the procedure for you. It will notify you when you check the ISSB calling letter’s online status for ISSB test 2024.
Check ISSB Call Letter Status 2024
It is possible to download and view it for free. It is available for download and viewing. ISSB center is a place to select applicants to join sectors like the Pak Navy Sector, Pak Army Sector, and the Pak air sector. ISSB test made for candidates looking to join the forces of Pakistan. This system built around three tests, which similar to Physical, Medical, and the most significant psychological test to determine the level of applicants who will joining the Special Forces.
ISSB Call Letter Status Check Online
To ensure the continued eligibility of ASRC applicants, applicants’ letters are issued based on strange numbers. If you’re looking to find the most current and important details about your application to the Inter-Services Selection Board or the forces of Pakistan, it is essential to stay in touch with us via this web page. Keep checking this page frequently to obtain ISSB Demand Letter 2024 online.
ISSB Call Letter 2024 Status Online
ISSB Test is a 5-day program to recruit Commissioned Officers to the Army, Navy, and Air Forces. Test will comprise many internal tests. Candidates must pass an aptitude test called the Mechanical Personality Tests, the Intelligence tests, and finally, medical selection.
Check ISSB Call Letter Status 2024 Online Army, PAF, Navy
Check ISSB Call Latter Status
ISSB test is held twice a year. The first is at the beginning of each year, and the second is at the close of each year. If you fall into any of the following categories criteria, you will not participate in these ISSB tests. In accordance with the eligibility criteria, just female applicants for the GD (P) and CAE required to take tests for the GTO tests. Do not attempt to speak to the ISSB directly, for any reason, or even regarding the content in your essay, or do not even approach during the exam.
ISSB Test Centres
According to the schedule, ISSB Test in Pakistan being conducted within Kohat (KPK), Gujranwala (Punjab), Malir (Sindh), and Quetta (Balochistan).
How do I find out the status of Issb’s calls?
ISSB officers upload your call letter on the portal online. You must fill in your complete and correct CNIC number. In the bar in that area, click the “Submit button. The status of your call will displayed on your screen within the area bar your CNIC number.
Issb call letter not received.
Remember that the ISSB fulfills its sacrosanct obligation of selecting officers for the security forces of Pakistan.
Process to Check ISSB Call Letter Status
When you take the test, it’s 20 days before the test date to receive the call letter. It is mandatory to carry this letter to the day of your test. In the absence of this form, you won’t granted the proper permission to show up to take the test. Be aware that through the postal service, you’ll receive these letters.
If you don’t receive the piece of paper via mail, you can request and review it online. Visit the website of the ISSB inter-services selection board’s website and go to the section where you can read and identify the status of the call letter. When you click on the section, you’ll notice that the dialog box will open and displayed on your device’s screen. When you click on the submit button, it will notify you of your call’s letter state.